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Hayling Island Sailing Club

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From some very old 70mm negatives.

Mike has always been extremely supportive and helpful to us in our work as the Hayling Island Sailing club volunteer archivists.    We have received numerous donations in the form of old film, either on cine or as a video together with old photographs and negatives.   He has been able to transfer  film from video into a digital form and to enhance them, with a setting to music.   We also had some flash damaged slides of wall murals which had been upgraded to digital and his artist friend was able to retouch the small missing areas.   A number of prints were then taken, and these have been framed and mounted to show to HISC members and visiting sailors.   These murals of the COPPists showed them at wartime duty and were painted on the walls of a corridor HISC in early 1945.   


In August 2015 HISC was involved with the tribute to Commander Harold Goulding D.S.O., R.N.R.   A number of original and replica Combined Operations Pilotage Parties’ canoes were launched from the HISC north beach and took part in the flotilla up the harbour to Northney Marina.     Mike took film which was put onto DVDs and also made a large number of photographs into a fascinating book which covers the day afloat and on land at Northney.  

Belinda Cook & Léonie Austin

HISC - Hayling Island 2016

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